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Tag: Yom Kippur

Fish and fall fruits to break the Yom Kippur fast

It’s tradition! After Neilah services at my synagogue on Yom Kippur, there’s a surge to tables of light fare typically set out by the Sisterhood. Tired and hungry worshippers gather round to gulp down...
A sukkah on an Israeli army vehicle in the Golan during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Photo by Nathan Fendrich, Courtesy of the Pritzker Family National Photography Collection at National Library of Israel.

National Library of Israel releases rare photographs of Sukkot during 1973 war

Nearly 50 years after the Yom Kippur War, the National Library of Israel has released a number of rare photos showing how the festival of Sukkot, or “Feast of Tabernacles,” was celebrated during the conflict, even...

Music for Yom Kippur: Kol Nidrei, The History of a Song and a Prayer

Kol Nidrei is an Aramaic phrase which means far more than its literal translation, “All Vows.” This statement of annulment of vows has become such a dominant part of the Jewish religious psyche that it...
A statue of Roman Emperor Hadrian. Credit: Akimov Konstantin/Shutterstock.

The obligation to remember, even on a day when we look inward

It comes in a part of the Yom Kippur service that even many of those who are more than three-day-a-year synagogue-goers often skip in the late afternoon as the daylong fast heads towards its...

Israelis take to the streets on Yom Kippur

At Yom Kippur, Israel grinds to a halt. For 25 hours, schools, restaurants and businesses shut down, roads empty out as driving is prohibited, and there are no buses, no trains and no planes. Known as...
By מינוזיג - MinoZig [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

Yom Kippur 2021: A guide for the perplexed

1. Yom Kippur is considered to be a “super Sabbath” (shabbat shabbaton in Hebrew)—a soul-searching opportunity for the pious and evil alike. 2. Yom Kippur is observed on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishrei...
Jewish man in Tallit blowing the Shofar. Credit: MIA Studio/Shutterstock.

The ‘fast’ track to inspiration: 10 tips for a transformative Yom Kippur

“For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d.” — Leviticus 16:30 It may feel longer, but from start to finish, it’s actually under...
An aerial view of the 9/11 Memorial Museum in Lower Manhattan. Credit: Nick Starichenko/Shutterstock.

Jewish community recalls 9/11 with service projects, prayer, concert, memorial walk

Allan Englander usually commemorates Sept. 11 at the Tribeca Synagogue, where he was having breakfast after morning minyan that Tuesday in 2001 when he heard a plane had hit the World Trade Center. “We didn’t believe...
A Christmas tree with ornaments (left) and an illustration of Jews praying in synagogue on Yom Kippur. Credit: Mfisherkirshner and Maurycy Gottlieb via Wikimedia Commons.

Is a Yom Kippur-Christmas comparison naughty or nice?

“It’s said that during this time , the Book of Life is open and it’s decided who will live and who will die this year,” writes blogger Derek Powazek, whose posts focus on being...
Illustrative photo of graffiti on the Wellington Jewish Progressive Congregation in New Zealand. Credit: Wellington City Council.

World Zionist Organization condemns Nazi vandalism in England on Yom Kippur

Jewish leaders spoke out after an anti-Semitic attack was carried out in England on Yom Kippur on Monday. Residents of a neighborhood in Bristol reported a large, bright-yellow swastika spray-painted on the hood of a...