64.6 F
San Diego
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Through Rutgers program, teachers become ‘masters’ of Shoa education

At a time of rising concerns about racism and anti-Semitism, 38 educators from throughout New Jersey chose to spend part of their summer in a Rutgers University program whose aim is to enhance their...

Greece: Monk vandalizes Holocaust memorial

Father Kleomenis, an excommunicated Old Calendarist monk, on Monday filmed himself desecrating a Holocaust memorial in the city of Larissa while cursing Jews, denying the Holocaust and calling on “patriotic organizations” to take a...

Mélenchon agrees with Le Pen: France not responsible for Holocaust

Leftist French leader Jean Luc Mélenchon has said France bears no responsibility for the actions of the pro-Nazi Vichy government during the Holocaust, according to Haaretz — echoing the remarks of far right wing leader Marine le Pen. Mélenchon...

“Ser Pintor o Poeta”

Si no arivo a pintar todo lo ke yo veo Komo puedre ser un pintor komo lo deseo? Kuando veo una lagrima en kara palida La pena me s’esta gravando por toda la vida. Si oyo suspiros de...

Au Vel d’Hiv, une cérémonie qui fera date

Quai de Grenelle, sous l’œil d’une foule nombreuse, une cérémonie officielle s’est tenue soixante-quinze ans après la rafle du Vel d’Hiv où furent arrêtés puis déportés vers les camps de la mort 13152 juifs...

Former Hasidic reggae star Matisyahu finds salvation beyond perfection

Matisyahu has gone through some drastic changes in recent years, and this was the capper. In 2011, he’d shaved his beard and announced that he was backing away from Hasidic Judaism, a decision that...

‘Irreplaceable bedrock’ of U.S. backing for Israel is threatened by — intermarriage

The best thing about this big piece at Newsweek titled, “How long could Israel survive without America?” is that it notions the end of U.S. aid to Israel– “the largest beneficiary of American aid in the...

Federation values pluralism in Israel

In the past couple of weeks, I have received many questions from supporters in our community about the recent actions of the Israeli government that affect religious status issues in Israel, particularly at the...

Argentinians in Israel call for justice for 1994 Buenos Aires bombing

Some 200  Argentinian youths gathered in Tel Aviv on Tuesday to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the bombing of the Asociation Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, in a ceremony organized by Birthright...

Saudi king said to intervene in reopening of Temple Mount

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud personally intervened to end the closure of the Temple Mount following a terrorist attack at the site, according to an Arab media report on Tuesday. Israel closed the...