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San Diego
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bergen county high school of Jewish studies graduates 2017 class

The Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies (BCHSJS) recently held its annual graduation at Temple Emanuel of North Jersey in Franklin Lakes. This year’s 12 graduates are Jessica Baer, Camryn Bolkin, Steven Grossman,...

Sid Jacobson JCC’s Jewish Film Festival opens June 21

Sid Jacobson JCC’s Randi and Bruce Pergament Jewish Film Festival opens on Wednesday, June 21, at 7:30 p.m. with the documentary On the Map. The festival features documentaries, comedies and short films. On the Map...

Syrian Jewish cuisine: a food in exile

We often draw empathy, not from our imagination, but from seeing our past staring back at us. As the global Jewish community grapples with how best to respond to the Syrian refugee crisis, we...

U.S. Jewish leaders slam massacre of Egyptian Christians

“These brutal acts are criminal and must be stopped,” Malcolm Hoenlein, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said. “The Conference stands in solidarity with the government of Egypt, the...

Celebrating the power of restraint—a Shavuot message

Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky relates the following poignant story: I once sat on an overseas flight next to a talkative executive who was skeptical about his own Jewish heritage. During the first hours of the flight,...

Sarah Halimi : assassinée parce que juive, par marc knobel

Quelle est cette vilaine propension qui consiste à relativiser, à ignorer, taire autant que faire se peut et/ou balayer du revers de la main le crime et les motivations antisémites d'un crime ? Quelle...

The uniqueness of our people

Diversity in Judaism is common in our history and liturgy. One can visit many synagogues and observe that the order of the davening and the actual siddur text are very varied from shul to...

“What can I do?” bringing together Jewish and Muslim moms

Through a Jewish/Muslim playgroup, my sister Beth has found an answer to a question many of us ask ourselves these days when we learn of incidents of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: “What can I do?” Beth...

Mexico & moral courage: Andrés Roemer’s international sephardic leadership award ceremony

In honor of this year’s Yom Yerushalayim, The American Sephardi Federation awarded its International Sephardic Leadership Award to former Mexican Ambassador to UNESCO Andrés Isaac Roemer Slomianski. The event, “Mexico and Moral Courage,” was...

Lebanon considering banning Wonder Woman due to Israeli lead Gal Gadot

Lebanon’s ministry of economy is seeking to ban the 2017 Wonder Woman movie because its lead actress – Gal Gadot – is an Israeli, though a formal request for a ban has not yet...