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San Diego
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Why I was circumcised for my barmitzvah

Nathan Cohen faced a profound dilemma ahead of his Jewish coming of age. The youngster, who attends King David High School in Liverpool, explains: “My dad isn’t Jewish and my family isn’t observant, so I...

Why I made aliyah – and you should too

"We are building Jerusalem in England’s green and pleasant land.” These are the words that came to mind as I read Jonathan Boyd’s article (JC May 12) celebrating the rejuvenation of Anglo-Jewry. This, he explains,...

Move Over, French & Italian. The World’s Sexiest Accent is…..Israeli!

What accent do single men think is the sexiest? You might guess French or Italian, but you'd be wrong according to the latest poll. Surprise! It's Israeli. As Benyamin Cohen wrote on the website From...

Will Jared and Ivanka be survivors of rumored sweeping Trump purge?

President Trump is “running around screaming at television sets, he’s increasingly isolated, basically wanting to fire everybody.” Or at least this is the description that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough provided his viewers Monday morning,...

Jewish former us senator Joe Lieberman finalist for FBI director

Joe Lieberman, a former independent senator from Connecticut, is one of four final candidates that US President Donald Trump is considering to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation, White House officials confirmed on Wednesday. Trump...

Yes, Virginia, there are Jews there

First, the bad news. Shockingly, we have all been hearing and reading about vicious anti-Semitic attacks in Europe: shootings, stabbings, political leaders rabble-rousing crowds to rise up against Jewish communities and to blame them...

Venezuelan president: ‘we are the new jews’

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has likened the harassment of government officials and their families outside of Venezuela to the treatment of Jews under the Nazis. Maduro also said in comments to a televised cabinet meeting...

American Jewish community plans to invest in construction of Jewish school

American Jewish community plans to invest in the construction of Jewish school in Azerbaijan, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein said at the meeting with...

Misrepresenting Israel

In preparing for next week’s visit to Israel, it’s important that President Donald Trump and his team get an accurate reading on where Israelis and Palestinians stand on the peace process, what compromises they...

Mexican foreign secretary assures ADL his government will redouble efforts to reduce prejudice and...

In a meeting with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Mexico’s foreign secretary emphasized his commitment to working for the protection of the rights and dignity of the Mexican community in the United States and pledged...