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Monday, September 30, 2024

Analysis: Jews and the holocaust, Trump signals that he finally gets it

President Donald Trump got the memo on the Holocaust and the Jews. In a barrage of statements this week from the president and his aides, the Trump administration wants you to know, he gets it,...

Welcoming Shabbat in Israel with the Revivo Project

The Revivo Project is one of the most successful bands in Israel. The three singers in the band are Israeli musical producer and composer Raviv Ben Menachem, Raviv’s brother – Nir Ben Menachem, and...

Stories from Shaare Zedek Medical Center

For the first time in Israel, a five year old boy who was born deaf underwent an auditory brain stem implant at Shaare Zedek Medical Center and he was given the gift of sound. A...

Cyber attack aimed at over 120 Israeli targets thwarted

Israel has thwarted a largescale cyber attack targeting over 120 organizations in recent days, the Cyber Defense Authority announced on Wednesday. The attacks, which ran between April 19 and April 23, came in the form...

These 7 dwarfs where saved in Aushwitz by their size not by Snow White

You probably know that very few families survived Auschwitz intact. But did you know that among them was a family with dwarfism? Born in Transylvania, 7 of the 10 Ovitz children inherited their father’s short stature. After his death...

The old Polish tree that saved two Jews during the war

In the Polish town of Wiśniowa, not far from Krakow, there is a large oak tree. It grows on the former grounds of the noble Mycielski family, and is thought to be about 650...

New French National Front leader, who doubted Nazis gassed Jews, quits

The interim successor to Marine Le Pen at the helm of France’s far-right National Front party has stepped down after an interview from 2000 surfaced in which he cast doubt on the Nazi gassing...

500 Years After Expulsion, Sicily’s Jews Reclaim a Lost History

Sicily’s Jews were banished from this island in 1492, the victims of a Spanish edict that forced thousands to leave and others to convert to Roman Catholicism. More than 500 years later, a nascent Jewish...

Biblioteca Ets Haim

In the late 1500s and early 1600s, as Sephardic Jews were establishing a community in Amsterdam, they founded a school for themselves that would become the oldest continuously operating Jewish library in the world.Top...