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San Diego
Monday, May 13, 2024

Israel slams the UN as ‘anti-semitic’ after it passes pro-Palestinian resolution to classify Hebron...

Israel has slammed the UN as 'anti-semitic' over a vote declaring the Old City of Hebron, with its holy shrine sacred to both Jews and Muslims, an endangered world heritage site. UNESCO (United Nations Educational,...

In Warsaw with father, Ivanka Trump honors Polish Jews killed during Holocaust

While in Warsaw on Thursday, Ivanka Trump visited the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. In a social media post, President Donald Trump’s Jewish daughter called the...

Mort de Simone Veil: Réactions dans la communauté Juive

Réactions dans la communauté juive de France à l'annonce de la mort vendredi de Simone Veil, immense figure de la vie politique française et témoin de la mémoire de la Shoah: - Le grand rabbin...

Satmar Rebbe to French Jews: Don’t move to Israel!

On Tuesday night, thousands of French Jews participated in a special event led by the rebbes of Satmar and Pshevorsk, and intended to strengthen Jewish education among French Jews. Over the past two years, France's growing...

Marseille: Un homme condamné à deux ans de prison pour apologie du terrorisme

Il avait affirmé préparer une agression imminente devant la grande synagogue de Marseille. Mohamed Chebab, 33 ans, a été condamné mardi à deux ans de prison pour apologie du terrorisme par le tribunal correctionnel de la cité phocéenne....

Simone Veil: Cérémonie d’obsèques officielles mercredi aux invalides

L’émotion suscitée par le décès de Simone Veil vendredi 30 juin est grande. Une cérémonie nationale va être organisée pour lui rendre hommage, explique le journaliste Jeff Wittenberg, en direct de l’Élysée. "Un hommage national sera rendu...

Libyan parliamentarian calls for return of Jews

Mohamed Ali Triki, a top official of Khalifa Ghwell’s National Salvation Government (NSG), made the call during a three-day conference held on the Greek island of Rhodes last week, the Libya Herald reported on Sunday. The conference...

This 400-year-old Jewish library survived Hitler and the Inquisition

Livraria Ets Haim is the world’s oldest functioning Jewish library. As such, it is no stranger to the prospect of imminent destruction. Founded in 1616 by Jews who fled Catholic persecution in Spain and Portugal,...

The Canadian Jewish Congress was a mirror of the community

In honour of Canada’s 150th birthday, The CJN presents essays on 10 significant moments in Canadian Jewish history. At Confederation, there were only around 1,000 Jews living in Canada. One could not speak of a...

La Cyber Week prend ses quartiers à tel aviv

Comme chaque année, cadres de l'industrie de la defense, experts en technologie, universitaires, start-up, investisseurs, mais aussi diplomates se réunissent pendant 5 jours à l'Université de Tel Aviv à l'occasion de la Cyber Week, qui...