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Home 2017 August

Monthly Archives: August 2017

5 holiday drinking games to get through the Jewish holidays

1. Rosh Hashanah Welcome in 5778 the only way a Jewish family knows how to–with lots of food, chutzpah, and liquor. All New Year's resolutions about less lashon harah (did you see what Adam’s new girlfriend was...

Are Jews white? it’s a mistake even to ask

Are Jews white?” is a question that began fading from my mind 40 years ago, when I left America. In my neighborhood of Jerusalem, as in the rest of Israel, Jews comes in all...

Moral Courage: Mexico’s Former UNESCO Ambassador to receive Human Rights award

United Nations Watch, the Geneva-based non-governmental human rights group, announced today that Dr. Andres Roemer, the former Ambassador of Mexico to UNESCO, will be the recipient of its 2017 Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award,...

Into the eye of the storm: The Jewish heroes of Hurricane Harvey

After making sure that his wife Basya and their three children were safe and well-supplied, Tomer Ben Shushan took advantage of a brief lull in Tropical Storm Harvey’s torrential rains Sunday evening to “commandeer”...

Israel declares Hebron an official Jewish settlement

Hebron’s Jewish community acquired the official status of an independent settlement on Tuesday, some 38-years after returning to live in the West Bank city. Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced that the community will no longer...

Man shouting ‘Hitler was a good man’ attacks Jewish girls in Hackney with glass...

Police have launched a hate crime investigation after a man threw a glass bottle at two Jewish girls while praising Hitler and the Holocaust. The attacker shouted "Hitler is a good man" and said it...

El amor kon sentidos de un pintor

Te huites a un riko, yo un pintor no famoso, So un ombre enfeliz, dezesperado i sin gozo. Kon kolores las mas kayentes deseyi desinarte, Nunka pensi en una tela o en karton pintarte. A tu dulsura unas...

Sermon à la mosquée Al-Aqsa : le cheikh Ali Abou Ahmed critique les dirigeants...

Voir la vidéo sur MEMRI TV – S’exprimant à la mosquée Al-Aqsa le 20 août, le cheikh palestinien Ali Abou Ahmed s’en est pris aux dirigeants arabes, affirmant que tout en condamnant l’attentat de Barcelone,...

Le président syrien Al-Assad fait l’éloge de l’Iran, de la Russie, de la Chine...

Voir la vidéo sur MEMRI TV – Dans un discours télévisé diffusé le 20 août, le président syrien Bachar Al-Assad a fait l’éloge de l’Iran, de la Russie, de la Chine et du Hezbollah...

Neo-Nazis, anti-Semitism and the cycle of hatred in America

I fully expected the recent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., to turn into a hate-filled demonstration against African-Americans. What caught me by surprise, though, was the venomous attack on Jews. Please allow me to...