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Monthly Archives: March 2019

Palestinian journalist: ‘One day someone angry will drop a nuclear bomb’ on Israel

In a video that was uploaded to Maan News Agency’s YouTube channel on Jan. 16, 2019, Palestinian journalist Dr. Nasser Al-Laham said Israel has become so arrogant that one day, someone angry will drop...
A restored Jewish cemetery in the Serbian town of Bela Crkva. Credit: Courtesy of ESJF.

Special initiative to map and preserve historic European Jewish cemeteries

A new initiative to map historic Jewish cemeteries will utilize a drone to fly over 1,500 endangered burial sites. According to Time magazine, the German-based European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative will feature a team of drone operators surveying...

Revisiting Human Crimes And Their Living Environments

A recurring theme in this column has been concerning how the nature of the configuration of crime changes according to the configuration of living environments.  More specifically, we humans start out in more natural...

Cheikh mauritanien Muhammad Ould Dedew : Les juifs sont les ennemis d’Allah – Qui...

Le cheikh mauritanien Muhammad Ould Dedew a déclaré lors d’une émission diffusée le 12 février sur Dorar TV (Soudan) que les juifs étaient les ennemis d’Allah et de l’économie et qu’ils utilisaient des moyens...

Une femme astronaute dans une vidéo animée mettant en scène une future station spatiale...

Le 18 février 2019, IRINN TV (Iran) a diffusé une vidéo animée montrant le lancement et l’amarrage d’un vaisseau spatial iranien sur une station spatiale. L’équipage était composé de plusieurs astronautes, dont une femme....

Tournoi d’échecs : Le Guide suprême félicite le prodige iranien Aryan Gholami d’avoir refusé...

Le 24 février 2019, la Première chaîne iranienne a diffusé un reportage sur la rencontre entre le jeune prodige des échecs iranien Aryan Gholami et le Guide suprême Ali Khamenei, qui l’a félicité pour...

Suite aux pourparlers entre les Etats-Unis et les talibans, la Turquie et l’Iran pourraient...

Par Tufail Ahmad* Le 21 septembre 2018, Washington a nommé l’ambassadeur Zalmay Khalilzad au poste de représentant spécial américain pour la réconciliation en Afghanistan. Sous sa direction, les Etats-Unis ont tenu de multiples séries de...
Remains of the AMIA Jewish center after the 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Credit: La Nación via Wikimedia Commons.

25 Years after the AMIA bombing, justice is again denied

This July, Argentina’s Jewish community will mark the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, in which 85 people were murdered and hundreds more were seriously wounded. It...

Without peace education, you can’t have a peace process

US President Donald Trump has passionately called for the renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context, he is preparing to release his “deal of the century” after the Israeli...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads the weekly government conference at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem on Oct. 7, 2018. Credit: Alex Kolomoisky/POOL/Yediot Achronot.

Charges against Netanyahu upend his plans

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to have elections next April and not in the Fall, when they were due, was an imaginative way of delaying, perhaps even evading, being indicted for bribery and related charges....