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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Health Minister Yaakov Litzman hold a video conference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem with European leaders to discuss government responses to the coronavirus pandemic, March 9, 2020. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

As coronavirus rages, Israel’s Health Minister criticizes move against haredim

Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman said Monday that residents of haredi-dominated localities are being treated in a “discriminatory and degrading” manner as the coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread quickly in ultra-Orthodox communities, Ynet reported. Litzman, who was recently diagnosed...
Foremost Caterers is preparing and delivering kosher-for-Passover packages to some of New York's most vulnerable Jews before the seder on April 8, 2020. Credit: Courtesy.

More than 8,500 Passover meals delivered to vulnerable New Yorkers for Passover

In time for the first Passover seder on April 8, UJA-Federation of New York is providing more than 8,500 free Passover seder meals and seder kits to more than 4,000 of the most vulnerable...
Jordanian Islamic scholar Ahmad al-Shahrouri. (MEMRI)

‘Impure’ Westerners suffer from disease because they don’t wash their behinds, says Islamic scholar

According to Jordanian Islamic scholar Ahmad al-Shahrouri, people in the West “lack purity and cleanliness” and suffer from diseases because they do not wash their behinds with water after using the restroom like Muslims...
Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz speaks to supporters at the party's headquarters in Tel Aviv on election night, March 3, 2020. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90.

Blue and White Party in talks to merge with Labor Party

After Labor Party chairman Amir Peretz announced that talks are underway to merge with the Blue and White Party headed by Benny Gantz, the Knesset Arrangements Committee approved the breakup of the Labor-Meretz union...
British Labour Party leader Keir Starmer. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

UK’s Labour elects new leader after Corbyn with goal to quash anti-Semitism in party

The U.K. Labour Party elected Keir Starmer over the weekend as its new leader, replacing Jeremy Corbyn, who has long been accused of letting anti-Semitism plague the party, in addition to himself holding hateful...
Soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces' ultra-Orthodox unit, the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, at prayer, on June 20, 2005. Photo by Abir Sultan/Flash90.

Israeli soldiers say formal prayer for Jewish mourners worldwide amid pandemic

Soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces are comforting Jews in mourning the world over, both inside and outside of Israel, by saying the obligatory and commemorative Kaddish prayer on their behalf for recently deceased...
Posters of Hezbollah’s flag and the terrorist group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in Beirut. Credit: Al Aan Arabic Television via Wikimedia Commons.

Hezbollah member killed in southern Lebanon

Unknown gunmen shot and stabbed a Hezbollah member in southern Lebanon, said Lebanese security officials on Sunday. The body of Ali Mohammed Younes was discovered on Saturday evening near the town of Nabatiyeh, two security...
BDS movement co-founder Omar Barghouti. Credit: YouTube Screenshot.

BDS co-founder: ‘If Israel finds a cure for coronavirus, no problem to use it’

Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement, said in a video on Sunday on Facebook that if Israel discovers a cure for coronavirus (COVID-19), then cooperation with the Jewish state is acceptable. “If Israel finds...

Verter fun der Vokh: פּסח – Passover

Passover פּסח ask the four questions: פֿרעגן די פֿיר קשיות bitter herbs: דער מרור (ל״י); בי֜טערע קרײַ֜טעכצער break the matzo in half: (אי֜בערברעכן די מצה; צעברע֜כן די מצה (אויף האַלב For the complete list, click here to go to...

L’antisémitisme en France – 4ème partie : différences et similitudes entre extrême droite et...

Avant-Propos Dans le contexte de la crise mondiale du coronavirus, de la montée du complotisme, des populismes et des extrémismes dans le monde et en France notamment, MEMRI publie une étude en 10 parties sur...