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Home Authors Posts by Donald H Harrison

Donald H Harrison

Donald H Harrison

Harrison is editor of San Diego Jewish World.  He may be contacted via donald.harrison@sdjewishworld.com

The making of an international Jewish film festival

You can tell a lot about any of the 35 movies to be shown at the 30th annual San Diego International Film Festival (SDIJFF)  Feb. 13-23 by when it will be screened, and in some...

Time-traveling through Jewish history

River by Shira Nayman; Guernica Editions, 2020; ISBN 9781771-834575; 255 pages; $25. “River,” in the context of this novel, is a metaphor for the continuity of life. As Emily, 14, would hear from a wise African man...
Photo by Jeffrey Beall via Wikimedia Commons

Nobody gets past the Schwartz!

There were groups large and small viewing Super Bowl LIV throughout San Diego County on Sunday.  I joined members of the Tifereth Israel Men’s Club at the home of Robin & Ben Dishman to view...
Qassem Soleimani receives a medal from Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Strong opinions surface over Soleimani assassination

Prior to Iran’s retaliation on two Iraqi bases where American troops are stationed, congressional candidate Sara Jacobs denounced the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani by American forces.  She wrote: “This ill-conceived operation was the culmination...
Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, by Osborneb via Flickr

MOPA displays works of Jewish photographers

The works of past and present Jewish photographers are on display at the Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park. There are seven works by Bern Schwartz in Talking With a Friend: Portraits by Bern Schwartz and a single...
Left to right: Current Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg. (Public domain)

Jews and the impeachment process

Like most Americans, I followed the completely partisan House Judiciary Committee vote on impeachment of President Donald Trump. None of the members of the San Diego delegation sit on the Judiciary Committee, so I...

Jews and chocolate: 500 years of sweetness

Sephardic Jews who were expelled in the late 15th century  from Portugal and Spain learned about cocoa and the production of chocolate from the indigenous peoples of Central and South America and the Caribbean. Keeping...

Community coalition to aid Holocaust Survivors

True to its roots, when it was founded in 1936 to help European Jews who were being persecuted by the Nazi regime in Germany, the Jewish Federation of San Diego County on Tuesday, Dec....

San Diego gears up for 2020 JCC Maccabi Experience

The Lawrence Family JCC has been sending flyers to people throughout the county looking for athletes, artists, volunteers and donors for the 2020 JCC Maccabi Experience, in which over 400 San Diego County teen...
Chenspec [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

Survivors’ descendants, youth, to carry on Holocaust education

T here is a continuing focus on Holocaust education in the county, with the Lawrence Family JCC and the J Company Youth Theatre announcing a planned “Remembrance Reading” at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the JCC,...