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Rabbi Mendy Zwiebel, left, is out on the streets of Chico, Calif., often with his family, helping those who were devastated by fire. Credit: Chabad.org/News.

With 76 dead and 1,200 missing, sifting through the burnt embers of Paradise

It seemed like just a regular morning in Paradise. It was Nov. 8, and Randy Stein had an early-morning doctor’s appointment in the nearby town of Oroville, Calif. His wife, Lois, joined him, leaving...
The smoke plume from the fast-moving Woolsey Fire encroaching on Malibu on November 9, 2018, as residents evacuate along the Pacific Coast Highway. Source: Cyclonebiskit, Wikimedia Commons

Rabbi grabs Torahs before California wildfires reach synagogue

A rabbi from California risked his life to save the Torah scrolls in his synagogue in Thousand Oaks, snatching them before they were burned in two massive wildfires that have claimed more than 6,800...
On the morning of Nov. 8, 2018, the Camp Fire erupted 90 miles (140 kilometers) north of Sacramento, Calif. By evening, the fast-moving fire had charred around 18,000 acres and remained zero percent contained. Credit: NASA (Joshua Stevens) via Wikimedia Commons.

Devastated California Jewish communities fight fire with light

Voices filled with emotion, Chabad rabbis from across California made clear their determination to help people in need while dealing with the ongoing devastation that uncontrollable blazes have wrought on their hometowns. “Paradise is a part of...

California approves fund to support needy Holocaust survivors

The State of California appropriated $3.6 million to create the California Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program, the first California-funded program that ensures that Holocaust survivors are able to live out their lives with dignity. The proposal...

California State Budget addresses Jewish issues

The California State Legislature on Thursday approved the 2018-2019 State Budget, which prioritizes the needs of Holocaust Survivors, campus climate, the security of nonprofits, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The California Legislative Jewish Caucus, Simon...