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Tag: Kurdistan

Sacrificing my childhood

Every Rosh Hashanah when I was a child, my friend’s father would ask us a question at the meal following davening: What kind of Jewish God asks a man to sacrifice his son? He was...

American Jews should care about and support the independence of Kurdistan

Why should American Jews care about and support the independence of Kurdistan? Because Iraqi Kurdistan is one of the very rare areas of the Middle East where Jews and Judaism are viewed positively. Because on the...

200,000 Jewish Kurds headed for Iraqi Kurdistan, howls Turkish press

Several Turkish media outlets reported Sept. 13 that Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani had reached a secret agreement with the Israeli government. The alleged deal involves the settlement of Jewish Israelis of Kurdish...

Nadia Murad urges Israeli lawmakers to recognize Yezidi genocide

The UN Goodwill Ambassador from Shingal visited the Israeli parliament to raise awareness of the shared atrocities faced by the Jewish and Yezidi peoples, as one outspoken parlimentarian is supporting recognition by her nation. “My...