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Tag: United States

Charlottesville Campus Chabad offers support to students

As Jewish students arrive over the next week for the new academic year at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries Rabbi Shlomo and Channa Mayer will be there for them. They will...

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner face pressure to speak out on antisemitism

Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, are facing a potentially awkward reception from Washington’s Jewish community after Donald Trump’s astonishing defence of antisemitic protesters. The US president’s daughter and son-in-law have been conspicuously silent...

Anti-Semitic incidents surge 86% in US in 2017 – ADL

Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States saw a massive spike of 86 percent in the first quarter of 2017, according to new data compiled by the Anti-Defamation League. The jump in incidents comes after a...

Bodily Fluid Project Unites Muslims and Jews

In a project melding interfaith dialogue and feminist theory, a Toronto gallery brought together Jewish and Muslim women to study sacred texts. Guided by Toronto artist Rochelle Rubenstein, the women created scrolls that meshed ancient...

Senate confirms David Friedman by 52-46 vote

The Senate confirmed the nomination of David Friedman for U.S. Ambassador to Israel by a near party-line vote (52-46) on Thursday afternoon. Almost all Senate Democrats voted against Friedman including fellow New Yorkers, Senate...

Jewish sites reported 31 threats Monday; more than 100 in ’17

Desecration of grave sites at cemeteries in Philadelphia and outside St. Louis. Swastikas etched on cars in Miami Beach. Bomb threats forcing evacuation of Jewish community centers. Another wave of intimidation targeting Jewish communities swept...

Preserving Order Amid Change in NAFTA

It took more than a decade and three presidencies, from Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton, to conceive and craft the North American Free Trade Agreement. Will a single presidency manage to undo the process...

The controversial Sholem Ash’s classic Got Fun Nekome de Sholem Ash back in NY...

New Yiddish Rep (NYR) is bringing back by popular demand the controversial classic “God of Vengeance” for a special encore running for two weeks at Theatre at St. Clement’s, 423 West 46th Street, from...

Immigrants Enrich This Country

Imagine you have had a good life with a stable job and family. Then, imagine that your life turns upside down, be it from war, religious persecution, or social unrest, and you have to...

Jewish couple raise alpacas in Descanso

“David is a unicorn”, said Amy Alyeshmerni, referring to David Kabbai, her partner of six years in life, love, and business. ”Here is a man who owns a ranch, loves animals, and wants us...