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San Diego
Monday, May 20, 2024

De la mort D’ilan Halimi en 2006 à aujourd’hui, la société française est-elle traversée...

La semaine dernière, le Figaro publiait un appel d’intellectuels demandant "Que la vérité soit dite" à propos du meurtre de Sarah Halimi. Selon eux, le meurtrier de Sarah Halimi "ne pouvait ignorer la judéité de...

Biva la senseridad

Uno resive un telefón del Ufisio de Rejistrasión de los abitantes: “Shalom, yo tengo menester de uno kuantos detalios. Komo te yamas?” – “Adam.” responde el ombre. “Situasión familiar?” El ombre responde: “Kazado.” “El nombre de tu mujer?” – “Eva” “Ande...

What Jews should know about breast cancer

When she approached her synagogue sisterhood at Temple Emanuel of North Jersey with the idea of sponsoring a free public educational program about breast cancer, Hannah Lee Gold of Wayne was driven not only...

Jewish music for any soul

For the 8th season, clarinetist Paul Green will bring Jewish music to the Berkshires with an international mix of chamber works and song. His "Summer Celebration of Jewish Music" brings together an ensemble that includes...

Jewish culture fest a great excuse to pop down to Santa Cruz

Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias knows Jews are a small minority in her home base of Santa Cruz. That’s why she hopes the locals will “come out of the woodwork” to her synagogue’s upcoming Jewish Cultural...

Sa photo primée raconte l’horreur de la Shoah

C’est l’histoire d’un projet mené de main de maître par Bertrand Bossy, professeur d’histoire au lycée Fernand-Renaudeau. C’est aussi l’histoire d’une photo, celle composée par Capucine Brébion, élève de terminale L dans le même...

Nuestros uzoz

El esperava kudyo durante su dezrepozo, Deseava una afeksion, un poko de gozo, Una chika konsolasion iva ser komo kura Le iva kalmarle su sufriyensa tanto dura. De su hazinura tu no tadrates a saverlo, En bivo no topates...

Naomi Alderman wins Baileys prize for fiction

Naomi Alderman has won the Baileys Prize for Fiction for her fourth novel, The Power. The announcement was made at a glitzy ceremony at London’s Royal Festival Hall tonight. Formerly the Orange Prize, the award is...

At Wesleyan University, jewish life sees progress

In 2014, the Connecticut Jewish Ledger listed Rabbi Levi and Chanie Schectman on their annual “Movers and Shakers” list. For those who knew them, this didn’t come as a surprise; since the couple had...

7 TV shows & movies with jewish themes that you need to watch

Like many people, watching TV and film is one of the ways I can relax. While I am the first person to advocate for books, I also don’t think we need to feel guilty about...