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San Diego
Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Anti-Semitic Blood Libel: It’s Not Just For Passover Anymore

Through out Jewish history the weeks surrounding Passover has been a dangerous time for the Jews. Mostly because of the famous blood libel that matzah was made from the blood of Christian Children. Anybody who’s...

Passover Is Important, But My Kids Don’t Know Why

My kids could care less that they're Jewish. They associate it with having to go to Hebrew School, which, let's face it, I didn't like either when I was a kid. But eventually, their attitude...

A Concert at Masada for the Shrinking Dead Sea

If you’re familiar with the name Jean-Michel Jarre, you’ve likely heard the French musician’s innovative electro-acoustic compositions, such as his 1976 breakout album Oxygène. Turns out that Jarre–the son of renowned film composer Maurice...

Nietzsche and Pesach: How the Exodus Ruined Everything

Frederick Nietzsche believed that the Egyptians were blond. My apologies; I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the beginning: Despite what people sometimes claim, Frederick Nietzsche wasn’t an anti-Semite. To the contrary, he was strongly...

President Trump (and His Jewish Daughter and Son-in-Law) Skipped the White House Passover Seder

President Donald Trump did not attend the annual White House Passover Seder held on Monday night, a spokeswoman confirms to PEOPLE. His daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, who are both Jewish, also skipped the event,...

The Plague of Darkness continues

Pesach is known as the Festival of Freedom. For Jews who live in the Diaspora, this means freeing themselves from living in foreign lands amidst the gentiles and coming home to the Land of...

Israel condemns Le Pen’s disclaimer of France’s role in the Holocaust

The Foreign Ministry on Monday condemned a statement by far-right French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who said that France was not responsible for deporting its Jews during the Holocaust. “This declaration is contrary to...

Spicer: Hitler ‘didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,’ although he sent Jews to...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zttmx7_qv1A In criticizing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that even Adolf Hitler did not sink to that level of warfare, despite Hitler's use of...

A Delicious 360° Gastronomic Tour in Jerusalem

This special tour with the new Vuze.Camera's VR unique 3D+360° technology will allow you to experience one of Jerusalem's most unique and delicious gastronomic tour like never before. Meet Jerusalem based chef Moshe Basson...

100 Years Ago, Immigration Policy Was Just As Crucial — And Controversial

Two contrasting images in “1917: How One Year Changed The World,” at Philadelphia’s National Museum of American Jewish History, demonstrate the volatility of American attitudes toward immigrants.A World War I poster cautioning against food...