“This Land is Your Land” in Yiddish
“Dos Land iz Dayn Land” Woody Guthrie’s
“This Land is Your Land”
Yiddish Translation by Linda Gritz & Daniel Kahn with Harry Bochner, Michael Alpert, & Josh Waletzky
Video and music produced, directed and edited by Daniel...
Millennial Bundism: An Interview with Isabel Frey
Isabel Frey is a Vienna-based activist and musician who recently released a debut album, Millennial Bundist. Faith Hillis recently caught up with Frey on Zoom to ask about millennials’ rediscovery of the Bund, the place of Yiddish...
“Makhts Of!”, Yiddish Purim Song performed by The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
Traditional Yiddish Purim song
Choral arrangement: Binyumen Schaechter (2018)
Funded by a grant from the Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation
Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
דער ייִדישער פֿילהאַרמאָנישער פֿאָלקסכאָר
Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor
בנימין שעכטער, דיריגענט
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejppc
Website: http://www.TheJPPC.org
Contact: information@TheJPPC.org
Megillah Cycle, by Itzik Manger (Megile-lider)
A new dramatization of Itzik Manger's famous Megillah Cycle, directed by and featuring Mike Burstyn with Shane Baker; Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman of YidLife Crisis; Avi Hoffman; Daniel Kahn; Lia Koenig; Noah Mitchel;...
Yiddish Glory feat. Psoy Korolenko: “Shelakhmones Hitlern” (Purim Gifts for Hitler), A long lost...
About the song
"Shelakhmones Hitlern" (Purim Gifts for Hitler), a humorist song that makes fun of Hitler’s attempts to destroy Jewish people.
Performers: Yiddish Glory feat. Psoy Korolenko
Writer: Public Domain
Composer: Sergei Erdenko
“Morena me llaman”, traditional sephardic song, performed by Emilio Villalba & Sephardica
Morena me llaman
Tradicional sefardí, Sephardic Music.
Emilio Villalba: viola medieval.
Sara Marina: Clavisimbalum.
Ángeles Núñez: canto y darbouka.
Sevilla – 2018.
Arreglos de Emilio Villalba.
Sephardica es un proyecto original de Emilio Villalba y Sara Marina www.emiliovillalba.com
Morena me...
SaveTheMusic invites you to listen and learn more about “Zog Nit Keynmol”: Lyrics, transliterations,...
Zog Nit Keynmol Az du Gueist Dem Letztn Veg…
Never say that you are walking on your last road…
With these words starts the song written by Hirsh Glick in the Vilna Forest for the Partisans.
Pripetshik-zingers @ Yugntruf Yidish-vokh, 2002
Pripetshik Singers / פּריפּעטשיק־זינגערס
Der debyut-kontsert / דער דעביוט־קאָנצערט
Binyumen Schaechter, Muzik-direktor
בנימין שעכטער, מוזיק־דירעקטאָר
Filmirt umformel, nisht redaktirt / פֿילמירט אומפֿאָרמעל, נישט רעדאַקטירט
An emeser kontsert (Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman) 0:00
Enge-bengenikes mir (Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman) 2:28
Tsipele (Moyshe Broderzon / Yisroyl Glatstein)...
10 Christmas song you didn’t know were written by Jewish artists
Ever wonder who’s behind some of the most popular Christmas songs in the world? While it only seems natural that Christmas songs would be written by those who actually celebrate the holiday, many popular...
Daniel Galay’s words on receiving his lifetime achievement award
ד״ר שׂרה זיו — פֿאָרזיצערין; פֿרוי יהודית סולל — גענעראַל דירעקטאָרין פֿון דער נאַציאָנאַלער אינסטאַנץ פֿאַר ייִדישער קולטור; חשובֿער עולם:
ווען כ’בין געווען פֿינף יאָר אַלט, אין בוענאָס־אײַרעס, האָט מיך מײַן מוטער צום ערשטן מאָל...