64.6 F
San Diego
Sunday, May 19, 2024

The test of the March of Return: Violence in the West Bank

Hamas’s March of Return campaign in Gaza will count as a success for its organizers only insofar as it mobilizes mass violence in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, and elsewhere in the West Bank. This...

Gulf-Stater Och Gaza UNRWA-Utbildning

UAE (United Arab Emirates) sponsrar öppet UNRWA-skolor i Gaza, som är verksamma under Hamas fullständiga kontroll, tillhandahåller militär utbildning för UNRWA-studenter och en läroplan som bygger på indoktrinering till jihad, martyrdom, “återvändande” med våldsvapen,...

At the Lorraine Motel 50 years later

OCEANSIDE, California –Flying into Memphis last Tuesday, through purple mists and hovering ghosts, the plane reeling from the clouds and rain, I felt Dr King’s sad spirit floating over the grayish Mississippi River, the...

President Trump’s Odd War Against Science and Intellect in America

"What the mass once learned to believe without reasons, who could overthrow that with reasons? Friedrich Nietzsche, Zarathustra From its glaringly incoherent beginnings, the Trump presidency has positioned itself to wage  relentless war against science and intellect....

The left still has a Jewish problem

There is a tragic account of the last moments of Grigori Zinoviev, the veteran Russian Bolshevik leader of Jewish descent who was executed by Stalin in 1936. According to the historian Donald Rayfield, on...

Trump repeats Obama’s mistakes on Syria

After eight years of dealing with an American president who considered establishing more “daylight” between the United States and Israel, the last 15 months has been a whole lot easier for Israeli Prime Minister...

The Corbyns of this world

NETANYA, Israel — Jeremy Corbyn represents the shameful, sneaky, face of anti-Semitism. The one that accepts Jews who subscribe to his radical brand of politics, the ones who will play by his rules. He’ll probably...

U.S. government supports the terrorists, and not the victims, in lawsuit

Victims of international terrorism suffered a terrible blow this week when the United States Supreme Court declined to hear Sokolow v. Palestine Liberation Organization, a case brought by American citizens killed or injured in terrorist...

Houston, we’ve got your back!

As a child, I remember hearing the story of Noah in Hebrew school. In a class of 5-year-olds, we drew pictures of animals walking into the ark two-by-two in an orderly fashion. And I...

Humoring the headlines

SAN DIEGO−President Trump plans to send the National Guard to patrol the Southern border.  If that works out, he will deploy the Navy to blockade the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific Coasts.  The ships will...