64.6 F
San Diego
Saturday, May 18, 2024

What Motivates Mass Murders

Two in one day.  Mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton within a period of twenty-four hours.  They are happening more and more frequently now.  And more and more people are crying out in...

The Importance Of Having An Inviting Living Environment

The word acceptance has at least two meanings when it comes to personal relationships.  First, there is internal acceptance: a person’s acceptance of himself.  Then there is external acceptance: a person’s acceptance by the...

Tikun Olam- Adventures in Tijuana

Saturday, May 15th is Teacher’s Day in Mexico. Teachers are celebrated all over the country.  As a retired teacher, it was the perfect day to go to Tijuana on a delivery run to a...

 Insights That Evolve In One’s Mind

In my last article, I focused on the process of revelation, both as an interactive process with spiritual entities in the external world, and as an internalized process, relating to surprising revolutionary insights.  In...

How Modern Technology Has Transformed Evil

Evil has always been a term that is very hard to define, and yet, in most cases, we know it when we see it.  Being diabolical, cruel, heartless, and mean encompass aspects of evil...

The importance of intuition for knowing the world

A couple of days ago, I was involved in a discussion about attitudes towards accepting something as the truth.  More precisely we talked about the dichotomy of certainty vs. doubt.  Many of the most...

The Use of Covid To Kill Oneself

One of the most perplexing manifestations of human behavior today is the refusal of some people in the United States and other countries, who have access to the Covid vaccine, to take it.  There...

Minimizing The Importance Of Commitment In Romantic Relationships

In today’s world, the notion of staying committed to someone is becoming an increasingly difficult proposition with which to follow through.  And yet it would seem natural that people would want to have a...

How Learning Connects Us To The External World

Learning serves a purpose that is greater than simply acquiring knowledge. The process by which one learns also allows us to connect with, to bond with that which is being learned about. In other...

Trying To Absorb That Which Keeps Us Human

One of the major points that has been brought up repeatedly in this column since its inception is that modern technological living environments create configurations of stimuli that are difficult for humans to absorb. ...