64.6 F
San Diego
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Movie Review: ‘Roma’

Roma, a Spanish language film, was written and directed by Oscar winning, Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron. It is an engaging and powerful story set in Mexico City from 1970 to 1971.  Mexico was in...

Holocaust filmmaker’s animated doc in Oscar hunt

Sometimes art imitates life, and sometimes art dictates life. When I interviewed Perry Chen and his mom, Dr. Zhu Shen on Wednesday, I felt that art and life inform each other, with one or...

‘Samuel Project’ stars Hal Linden as Holocaust survivor

The Samuel Project, filmed in San Diego and screened at the  San Diego International Film Festival, is a gentle post-Holocaust story starring Hal Linden as Samuel, a Holocaust survivor who is reluctant to talk about...

Joyce Forum Short Film Festival’s special joys

The Joyce Forum Short Film Festival is triply new.  It will screen on October 6th and 7th at the David and Dorothea Garfield Theatre of the Lawrence Family JCC separately from the San Diego Jewish Film...

‘Nana’: A thorough doc. film of a Holocaust survivor

“Nana,” as many of us know from the time as children we were mouthing our first words, means “grandma” and, in this case, “Nana” refers to Maryla Dyamant Michalowski, z”l, a Holocaust survivor who...

Israeli ‘When the Smoke Clears’ examines PTS

Making the rounds of Jewish film festivals is the Israeli documentary When the Smoke Clears, which recreates the battles in which several IDF soldiers were wounded and then follows each of these soldiers on the road...
‘A Call to Remember: The David Schaecter Story’ will air Thursday at the Aspen Jewish Community Center, and include a conversation with the film’s subject. Courtesy photo

Jewish Community Center screening makes sure we never forget

In a study released in April 2018, more than one-fifth of millennials surveyed said they haven’t heard of the Holocaust or aren’t sure if they’ve heard of it. A full two-thirds couldn’t identify what...

‘American Socialist,’ story of Debs, debuts today – July 4

How often do you catch yourself humming a tune, or singing along with lyrics, when you suddenly experience that moment of clarity as you realize the song’s message?  The instant when you learned that...

‘Path of Blood’ includes candid Al Qaeda home movies

As one can glean from the title, the subject of Path of Blood is not pleasant, but for those who are not Islamic extremists, the insights it provides are necessary to learn.  Documentary film maker Jonathan...

Jewish-themed films to be screened in Palm Beach County

Two dramatic Jewish-themed films will be screened in July in Boca Raton and Delray Beach . "Righteous," a 2016 Polish drama based on a true story about a Jewish orphan who was hidden during the Holocaust by a Polish...