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Home 2017 August

Monthly Archives: August 2017

At 95, She makes herself at home at B’nai Israel

The invitation to Sylvia Stroger’s 95th birthday party stated “no presents,” with the suggestion that a donation to Congregation B’nai Israel would be appreciated as an alternative. What does a 95-year-old need that she doesn’t have? A...

What’s so Special about Jewish Preschool?

As I was finishing up shopping at a department store recently, I heard a squeaky voice belting out “Shabbat Shalom.” No, it was not Friday – it was midweek, and I was curious as...

Statement of support for the Mayor of Caracas

The American Jewish Congress stands with Antonio Ledezma, Mayor in Caracas, in these troubled times for him and Venezuela. We demand his immediate release following his arrest today. Since February 2015 he has been accused and...

The Stunning Synagogues of Germany

Before World War II, according to a German news site, there were about 2,800 synagogues in Germany. Now there are around 130. It’s a grim statistic, but there is cause for optimism. Since reunification Germans...

Une victoire palestinienne sur le Mont du Temple

Samedi, le parti du président de l'Autorité palestinienne Mahmoud Abbas, le Fatah, a annoncé que la « campagne pour Jérusalem a effectivement commencé et ne s'arrêtera pas avant la victoire palestinienne et la libération des...

La Istoria del Shekel trezladado

LA ISTORIA DEL SHEKEL En la Tora se oye ke en tiempo del Templo kada uno , sea riko o prove tenia ke dar un medio Shekel por el mantenimiento del Templo. Oy vamos a...

Féroce controverse dans la presse libanaise sur l’activité militaire du Hezbollah à Jaroud Arsal,...

La violente controverse au Liban concernant l’implication du Hezbollah dans la guerre en Syrie aux côtés de l’armée d’Assad s’est récemment intensifiée suite à l’ingérence de l’organisation, ces deux dernières semaines, dans les combats...

Des sources de l’Axe de la résistance : les UMP ont des liens étroits...

Depuis leur création il y a environ trois ans – suite à une fatwa émise par le dirigeant chiite irakien, l’ayatollah Ali Sistani, appelant au « djihad kifai » contre l’Etat islamique (EI) – les...

114 people just converted to Judaism in Nicaragua

Over the course of just a few days, the tiny Jewish community in Nicaragua more than doubled when 114 people converted to Judaism. Last month, community members answered questions before a beit din, or religious...

The day Nazis took Warsaw Ghetto jews to Treblinka extermination camp

JULY 22, 1942, dawned hot and muggy in the Warsaw Ghetto. Two years earlier the Nazis had forced the Jewish population of German-occupied Poland into an area occupying just 1.3 square miles surrounded by...