Iran is preparing a site for launching a satellite, Iranian Minister of Information and Communications Technology Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi said on Monday.

“Yes, a site is being prepared for placing the Zafar satellite into orbit,” he tweeted, according to the Reuters report.

He also said that after the Zafar is in orbit a timeline is finalized to launch five more.

The U.S. sees the long-range ballistic technology used to launch a satellite as cover for use in launching nuclear warheads, the report noted. Iran denies the allegation.

Meanwhile, a motion in Iran to quit the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was introduced in parliament on Tuesday, reported the assembly’s news site ICANA.

The report didn’t mention a time when the vote would take place, though Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the final decision, according to Reuters.


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