Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was hospitalized for the third time in a week on Sunday, but may be released as early as Tuesday, according to sources in Ramallah.

The 83-year-old leader was admitted to Istishari Arab Hospital near Ramallah following complications from an ear operation.

Medical sources indicated Monday that Abbas’s condition was improving, and that he was conscious and lucid.

Abbas is allegedly overweight and a heavy smoker. He has been known to suffer from health issues including exhaustion and chest pains. He had emergency heart surgery 2 years ago, and battled prostate cancer 10 years ago.

Following a February hospital visit to the United States, details of which have been tightly guarded, a cardiologist moved into the presidential compound in Ramallah.

Abbas has served as president of the Palestinian Authority since 2005, following elections for what was scheduled to be a four-year term. Elections have not been held since.


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