The Palestinian Authority’s top Islamic religious officials have declared that any Muslims coming to Israel via the United Arab Emirates to visit the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem are “unwanted” and have issued religious rulings forbidding such visits.

Mahmoud al-Habbash, chairman of the P.A. Supreme Council for Sharia Justice, stated on official P.A. television on Aug. 15  that normalization with Israel/Jews means “that you agree to natural relations with the enemies of Prophet Muhammad,” Palestinian Media Watch reported on Wednesday.

Habbash further stated that any non-Palestinian Muslim coming to pray at the Al-Aqsa mosque via the terms of the UAE-Israeli agreement is “unwanted” in the P.A. and will be met with contempt.

P.A. Grand Mufti and Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council chairman Muhammad Hussein went further and issued a fatwa (Islamic religious ruling) that forbids Muslims who come via the UAE following the peace deal with Israel to pray at Al-Aqsa, according to the report.


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