Rabbi Zushe Yosef Blech, z”l, widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on kashrus issues in modern food production and technology, was niftar suddenly Erev Shabbos, 3 Shevat. He was in his mid 60s.

For decades, Rabbi Blech traveled tirelessly to factories, laboratories and other sites associated with the increasingly complex process of food production in an effort to gain a thorough understanding of the physical realities of the items in question, reporting his findings to several major kashrus organizations. A prolific writer, he produced many articles on a diverse range of contemporary issues facing kosher supervision.

For roughly 15 years, while living in Chicago, Rabbi Blech served as the Orthodox Union’s (OU) Mid-West Regional Director. Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of the OU’s kashrus division, said that his contribution filled a unique place in their shared profession.

“His petirah leaves a huge void in the world of kashrus,” he told Hamodia. “He was very dedicated to kashrusand was constantly traveling the world, going from factory to factory, and he wouldn’t leave until he felt he totally understood the metzius of what was going on there. In Shamayim they are probably counting the hours he spent on airplanes for the sake of kashrus.”

Rabbi Elefant recalled a visit he and Rabbi Blech made many years ago to a plant in Indiana which produced synthetic enzymes. There, Rabbi Blech educated factory employees and kashrus supervisors alike on the science of enzyme production as well as the complex halachos involved.

Based on the findings from his frequent travels and visits, Rabbi Blech produced detailed reports for kashrusorganizations on his findings, which were highly valued by the Rabbanim charged with determining psak and policy for their hechsheirim.

Zushe Yosef Blech was born in the early 1950s and spend his early years in Silver Spring, Maryland, where his parents, Mr. Shmuel Tzvi, z”l, and Mrs. Hinda Rifka Blech, a”h, lived. As a bachur, he attended Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, eventually receiving semichah from its Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, zt”l.

After his marriage to Vittie Yudkovsky, the couple moved to Chicago, where they remained for many years before relocating to Monsey and, most recently, Baltimore. Throughout his career, Rabbi Blech held several supervising and advisory positions in multiple kashrus organizations. He wrote countless articles for a host of journals, covering emerging issues affecting kashrus and lectured widely.

With his brilliant mind and sincere commitment to the quality of kashrus, Rabbi Blech would spend untold hours researching new technologies and processes affecting foods. He was confident in his conclusions, but in his signature pleasantness and derech eretz was noted for accepting the opinions of Rabbanim, even when they ran contrary to the opinions his research had produced.

Rabbi Blech was niftar suddenly shortly before Shabbos. The levayah and kevurah were held at the Agudas Yisrael cemetery in Baltimore on Sunday afternoon.

He is survived by, ybl”c, his wife, Rebbetzin Vittie Blech; sister, Mrs. Debbie Benson; sons, Reb Ben Tzion and Reb Doniel; daughters, Mrs. Ariella Greenberg and Mrs. Dalia Addi, as well as by several grandchildren.

Yehi zichro baruch.


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