Over the last decade, institutions of higher education across the United States of America received billions of dollars from foreign donors that were not reported to the U.S. Department of Education, as required. The U.S. Department of Education required that those institutions file reports detailing how much such funding they received and from where. Using that information available in public reports, in the present paper, we report four studies examining the extent of such funding and its statistical relationship to campus political climate and events. Because much of this undocumented money was provided by authoritarian regimes, we examined the levels and sources of such funding and the extent to which this undocumented funding correlated with a deterioration of liberal democratic norms around free speech and academic freedom, as well as antisemitism on campus.
Because campus antisemitism is not well characterized in peer-reviewed literature, we sought to assess its concurrent validity among other national assessments of antisemitism (reported by the FBI, ADL). All r’s were high (~.50) indicating strong spatial correspondence between the three assessments.

View the report here: NCRI-Report_The-Corruption-of-the-American-Mind


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