“Why can’t he be our President?” lamented the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s charisma and wardrobe certainly left an impression on the writer, who made a point of noting the pushed-up sleeves, blue tie, and white shirt, topped off with “socks festooned with moose.”

Remember when Rolling Stone was all about rock, not socks? Nowadays it seems like the magazine spends its time sexing up terrorists such as the Boston Marathon bomber, and making up a story on campus rape that never happened.

The truth is that under Trudeau’s leadership and policy of appeasing hatred, Canada has become a more dangerous place for Jews. Canadian Jews are the most targeted religious group in the country. Despite making up less than 1 percent of the population, Jews disproportionately make up most of the victims of hate crimes.

Canada Funds Anti-Semitic Projects

Why are Canadian Jews the most-attacked religious group? Much of this has to do with the tolerance of anti-Jewish bigotry in Canada’s education system. An Ontario Ministry of Education-issued textbook titled “Canada and the Global Community” promotes dangerous falsehoods about the state of Israel. The textbook falsely accuses Israel of using “child soldiers” and “kidnapping” children in order to force them to fight. Despite the ministry issuing an apology and a corrected version of the sixth-grade textbook, about 800 elementary schools in Ontario already received it.

Islamic anti-Semitism is on the rise in Canada. In the University of Western Ontario, anti-Israel bigotry is not only given a platform, but receives financial support by the Canadian government. The creator of an upcoming art exhibit that glorifies terrorism against Israel has received $35,000 CAD in 2015 from a federal funding agency to continue her work.

The artist has continuously justified terrorist acts against Israel, plotted by her brother Khaled Nazzal, including the 1974 massacre of 22 Israeli schoolchildren and 4 adults. In 2014, this same individual put up a similar display at Ottawa City Hall, which glorified Nazzal and other Palestinian terrorists.

Under Trudeau’s watch, radical imams have been allowed to preach hatred and genocide against Jews. In December 2016, an imam in a Montreal mosque described Jews as “the most evil of mankind” and “human demons” before proclaiming that there will be a genocide against Jews at the end of time. In February 2017, a different imam called for Muslims to support Palestinian jihad against Israel and the total genocide of the Jewish people.

In a study released by Tom Quiggin, a court expert on terrorism and member of the Terrorism and Security Experts of Canada Network, the Muslim Brotherhood has entrenched itself in North American politics to the point where it represents a greater systemic threat to Canada than al-Qaeda does.

I’m Tolerant and Inclusive of People Who Kill

But this doesn’t bother Trudeau in the slightest. In fact, the progressive leader, whose disdain for walls and passion for inclusivity was lauded by Rolling Stone, saw absolutely no problem in visiting a sex-segregated mosque with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood last year.

Surely Trudeau could at least condemn this rise of Islamic anti-Semitism in Canada? That might be difficult, because his government is seeking to make any such criticism illegal. Despite being opposed by 42 percent of the Canadian population, the Trudeau government passed M-103, an awkwardly worded motion that broadly criminalizes any sort of criticism of Islam in Canada.

Trudeau’s generosity toward Islamic terrorists is seemingly limitless, such as when he defended the recent payout of $10.5 million CAD to convicted al-Qaeda terrorist Omar Khadr. While in Afghanistan, Khadr assembled improvised explosive devices, the kind that killed and maimed thousands of American and Canadian troops. Khadr also confessed to tossing a grenade that killed U.S Army Sgt. Christopher Speer.

Trudeau didn’t even have the decency to reach out to Tabitha Speer (Sgt. Speer’s widow) in the wake of the Khadr payout, instead offering sympathies from afar. An Angus Reid poll found 71 percent of Canadians believed Trudeau made the wrong choice in settling with Khadr and should have instead fought Khadr in court.

Far from turning Canada into a multicultural paradise, Trudeau’s tolerance for hatred and anti-Jewish bigotry has turned Canada into a less safe place for its Jewish community and anyone who values freedom of speech. As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary, is Trudeau’s legacy really something to fawn over?

Bradley Martin is a fellow with the news and public policy group Haym Salomon and deputy editor for the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research.
Photo Mohammad Jangda / Flickr


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