“Hypocrisy is the mother of all evil and racial prejudice is still her favorite child.” — Don King

What is remarkable about hypocrisy, and perhaps people in general, is that anyone can be a hypocrite and all people are capable of bigotry. It is not just the majority that can be guilty of racial prejudice. Just like disease can affect all people regardless of race, color, origin or any other trait, the disease of hate can be disseminated by a variety of disagreeable, irrational and repugnant people.

Just such a person gave the commencement address recently at the law school of the City of New York. The speaker, a woman from Yemen, purports to be a woman of color and a Muslim. In her hate-filled invective, Fatima Mousa Mohammed became the poster child for hypocrisy.

Her 12-minute speech started by attacking “white supremacy.” That is interesting since traditionally people from Yemen, together with other Middle Easterners, were always considered part of the white race. Today, definitions of race have changed, and those who seek special privilege or the right to attack others characterize themselves as people of color. The Nazis considered Middle Easterners and Jews not to be part of the Aryan white race. The hate mongers of today claim that all Jews, including brown and black Jews, are “white oppressors.”

Regardless of the color of one’s skin, lying about others is never morally acceptable, although it may be the political lingua franca of our society.

The speaker continued by telling outright lies against Israelis. Aside from the fact that Mohammed did not tell the truth, her worldview is based upon a “critical-imperialism-settler-colonial lens.” She neglects to mention that Islam was spread by the sword throughout the Middle East and tolerates, in that part of the world, no Christian or Jew. It is hard to imagine or construct a more imperialistic settler colonial society than those created by Muslim Arab regimes in the Middle East. More than 1 million Jews were expelled from the Arab world, along with numerous Christians.

The speaker went on to claim that “Israel indiscriminately rains bullets and bombs on worshippers, murdering the old and young, attacking funerals and graveyards.” This insanity ignores that in the last war launched against Israel, 1,200 missiles and rockets emanated from populated areas in Gaza where Mohammed’s kinfolk hide their weapons among their own citizens and then direct them against innocents in Israel. Why would they do that? Because the Muslim world understands the power of publicity better than Western democracies. The truth doesn’t matter. All that counts is for the Arab press to claim that some people in Gaza were killed in Israeli attempts to prevent carnage against its own citizens.

In a world where Jews make up 16 million people and there are 5 billion human beings on this earth, the Jewish people do not have a lot of allies, as noted by Bob Dylan in his brilliant work, Neighborhood Bullies. Israel, a country of 6.5 million Jews, is surrounded by 500 million Arab Muslims who pump out frauds like Mohammed. The United States willingly provides her a platform to spew her hate and lies, notwithstanding that many of those who have made her ascension to the heights of hypocrisy are Jews themselves. It was, after all, the Jewish community that helped to create, empower and support the City University of New York, now a cesspool of demonic rage against those who are labeled and perceived as enemies. Mohammed even took a swipe at the African-American mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, presumably because he was previously a police officer.

People like her divide the world into brown, black, male, female and other categories for the purpose of pitting one American against another. In the speech, the graduating student spoke of the murder of a black man by a white man. She, of course, did not talk about crimes of blacks against whites; still, she nevertheless stirs the pot on class warfare for the purpose of fulfilling a vision where only people who she identifies with from a color, gender, and religious point of view will be regarded with any respect. The nascent lawyer would examine skin color as a litmus test of entitlement in the same manner as the worst despots known to mankind. Imagine a new world order based upon her definition of who should suffer and who should prosper, all based on race, color, religion and gender.

The graduating student specifically lists the following evils as being one in the same “Capitalism, racism, imperialism and Zionism.” Zionism is the view that Jews should no longer be murdered in the ghettos of Europe but rather the Jewish people, like all people on this planet, are entitled to their own national homeland. In the words of Mohammed, that is as bad as capitalism which likewise needs to be destroyed.

The revolution that the graduating lawyer speaks of will be violent. The woman who would be a lawyer in New York State has a very clear agenda. She seeks the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, the humbling of those she considers to be white and a society ruled by mental invalids like herself.

Has the world gone insane? Soviet-style communism started with the Socialist communes of the 1860s through the 1890s. The disease of communism morphed into a murderous regime embraced by people like Mohammed. They both use the system of fascist and Communist domination for their own evil purposes and in turn were used by it.

While many Americans attempt to blow off the insanity of the incendiary untruthful words of this graduating lawyer, the danger is very real to those who are in her crosshairs.


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