64.6 F
San Diego
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Seventy years of sacrifice: A global salute to Israel’s fallen soldiers

If you’ve ever been in Israel for Yom Hazikaron—the Memorial Day for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the Jewish homeland—chances are you will never forget it. Even if you somehow miss the official...

Pesah Es Alegriyas

Kon la primavera por la ventana, los arvoles en boda, flores ke kon ke orgulyo prodigan sus perfumes, la vida ke se renovela kon miles de tonos del vedre i las frutas ke empesan...

President Trump wishes Jews a ‘Happy Passover’

U.S. President Donald Trump sent wishes to Jews for a “Happy Passover” and Christians for a “Happy Easter” in an annual video message. “During the sacred holiday of Passover, Jewish families around the world give...

IDF soldiers at Gaza border shared in Passover seder

Even those soldiers who fought to protect Israel’s border with Gaza on the night of Passover last Friday were able to celebrate a kosher Passover seder, according to an announcement by the Israel Defense...

A full 97 percent of Israeli Jews host or join a Seder

According to a Jewish People Policy Institute survey of 3,000 respondents, 97 percent of Israelis Jews say they either host or participate in a Passover Seder, compared to the 2013 Pew Study’s finding of...

Israeli military gets set for the mammoth task of prepping for Passover

Despite its many round-the-clock security missions, the Israel Defense Forces believes that bringing the holiday spirit to its personnel is an imperative. As Passover comes up, those serving in combat and combat-support roles in the...

This Shabbat before Passover is, for us Jews, about sacrifice and service

This week we celebrate Shabbat Ha Gadol, the great Shabbat heralding Pesach (or Passover). The Lord commands Moses to transmit the Torah (teaching) of sacrifice and service to his brother Aaron, and to Aaron's...

From generation to generation, Jews celebrate the gift of freedom at Passover time

Passover is called the holiday of freedom for good reason. Every year for the last 3,000 or so years—wherever we are and in whatever form of bondage we find ourselves—we manage to celebrate our...

Foreign ambassadors break matzah in Israel two weeks before Passover

More than 70 ambassadors and senior foreign diplomats sat down to a festive “model seder” dinner in Tel Aviv, organized by the Israel Project and the World Jewish Congress. The pre-Passover seder, taking place for...

Stump the seder guests: A mystery for each day of the holiday

Why is this year going to be different from all other years? Because this year, you can stump your guests with the meaning behind many of the mysterious rites that comprise the Passover seder. Let’s...