64.6 F
San Diego
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

“Flaterl” (Butterfly) y “Unter a kleyn beymale” (Under the little tree)

A beautiful children’s song performed in Yiddish by Bobe Adina. Butterfly, Song from poet Beyle Schechter Gottessman; and song from Jewish Folklore, ' Under the little tree'.  The first describes a butterfly jumping from flower to...

Frida Kahlo Loved Jews So Much She Invented Jewish Ancestry

Schlepping and Schmoozing Along the Interstate 5, Chapter 19, Exit 14B (Cesar Chavez Parkway); Chicano Park  Turn left at Cesar Chavez Parkway exit, and murals will be at left side under the overpass. One of the...

Prof. Jack Jacobs discusses “Jews and the Left”

JEWS AND THE LEFT RECONSIDERED Thursday, June 22 | 7:00pm Admission: Free Lecture and Book Launch In the last decades of the 19th century, and the first decades of the 20th, Jews held highly visible positions in a...

“Who will write our history”, by Samuel Kassow

The Germans killed the people, the Russians the intellectuals and the others killed our memory wanting to make us believe that we died like sheep when the reality is exactly the opposite; the Jews...

‘Nana’: A thorough doc. film of a Holocaust survivor

“Nana,” as many of us know from the time as children we were mouthing our first words, means “grandma” and, in this case, “Nana” refers to Maryla Dyamant Michalowski, z”l, a Holocaust survivor who...

The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery, by Captain Witold Pilecki

A new book, “The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery ” (Aquila Polonica: 2012), documents, in his own words, Pilecki’s remarkable exploits, and I can’t think of a better gift to give yourself for Khanukah. Pilecki was...

The Jewish Olympics: The History of the Maccabiah Games, by Ron Kaplan

While as a whole the Jewish people are often typecast as a cerebral people, more interested in academic pursuits than in physical prowess, Jews have at the same time held a deep love affair...

“Di shisl un dos tepl” (The Platter and the Pot), song based on...

A beautiful children’s song performed in Yiddish by Bobe Adina. The Platter and the Pot - Both kitchen objects quarrel all the time to try to suggest who is the better one or the more...

Twenty Years with the Jewish Labor Bund: A Memoir of Interwar Poland, By Bernard...

Bernard Goldstein’s memoir describes a hard world of taverns, toughs, thieves, and prostitutes; of slaughterhouse workers, handcart porters, and wagon drivers; and of fist- and gunfights with everyone from anti-Semites and Communists to hostile...

When hippies invented their own Judaism

Take yourself back to the 1960s and 1970s when Jewish hippies envisioned creating their own brand of Judaism. Kosher food mixed with marijuana. Come as you are davening with cushions in a circle, instead...