64.6 F
San Diego
Monday, May 6, 2024

Blending and Celebrating Diverse Cultures Downtown

Intersections at UC San Diego Park and Market is a new multicultural concert series that showcases both local and non-local artists, curated by musician, performer, and filmmaker, Yale Strom. These events will take place...

Play review: ‘My Ex- Step- Mother- in- Law’

Actually, the one-woman show of the above title that I saw last week has very little to do with the subject of the title, namely, mothers-in-law. I am one such, and even an ex-one...

Mother-Daughter Conflict Plays Out in ‘The Garden’

Novelist and historian, Leo Tolstoy once said, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is born out in La Jolla Playhouse’s current production, The Garden. This two-woman...

Remember ‘Grapes of Wrath’? ‘Mother Road’ at SD Rep is the Sequel

The name John Steinbeck evokes images of the hay-field covered American southwest, the Dust Bowl, hungry children with dirty faces, and men and women scarred by depression and poverty. Where Grapes of Wrath left off, a...
Maya Kristal Tenenbaum, Michal Horowicz, Rosie Yadid and Ashley Goh in “Fury and Elysium” at London’s The Other Palace. Credit: Lexi Clare Photography. | Lexi Clare Photography

New musical ‘Fury and Elysium’ showcases women in pre-war Berlin

One of Stephanie Martin’s favorite parts of the musical “Fury and Elysium,” whose script she penned, is when the lover of a Socialist activist character named Rosa Luxemburg tells her that she is “too...

New Yiddish Rep: a live evening of readings and performances

Join us for a live evening of readings and performances. The title for our upcoming zoom live stream is taken from one of the pieces that will be featured during this Wednesday's event. Written by...