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Monthly Archives: August 2020

New Yiddish Rep: a live evening of readings and performances

Join us for a live evening of readings and performances. The title for our upcoming zoom live stream is taken from one of the pieces that will be featured during this Wednesday's event. Written by...

Perfection For Eternity And In The Moment

Perfection is that to which we aspire in many of the phenomena in our lives, whether they be objects, activities, processes, interactions, relationships or atmospheres.  It is that which makes something flawless and complete. ...

August 2, 1790: The first U.S. Census began

The first U.S. Census began on this date in 1790. The total population was pegged at 3,929,326 (both President Washington and Secretary of State Jefferson considered that an undercount), including 694,280 slaves. Historians estimate...

Le cheikh palestinien Nasser Maarouf : Les Juifs sont source d’effusions de sang, de...

Voir la vidéo sur MEMRI TV Source : Télévision Al-Aqsa (Hamas / Gaza) Cheikh Nasser Maarouf, de l’Association des oulémas palestiniens, a affirmé dans une interview diffusée le 3 juillet 2020 sur Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas –...

August 1, 1938: “How a great union works”

The August 1, 1938 issue of Life magazine featured a 12-page cover story on the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (“How a Great Union Works”) that showcased the ILGWU’s Unity House, a vacation retreat in the Poconos,...