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San Diego
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Rare archival photos document Sukkot in early years of Jewish state

Jewish Website - October 15, 2024

Lamenting, loving, leveling: A spiritual pathway through this year’s Jewish holidays

Jewish Website - October 15, 2024

Biden admin enabling Israeli ‘genocide’ of Palestinians, Ocasio-Cortez says

Jewish Website - October 15, 2024

Yad Vashem lauds Austria for combating antisemitism

Jewish Website - October 15, 2024

Condoleeza Rice: Hamas should have been banned from 2006 PA election

Jewish Website - October 15, 2024

Netanyahu denies EU claims that Israel targets UN in Lebanon

Jewish Website - October 15, 2024

Biden admin enabling Israeli ‘genocide’ of Palestinians, Ocasio-Cortez says

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a member of the so-called progressive "Squad" in Congress, again accused the Jewish state of genocide on Monday. "The horrors unfolding in northern...

Israel, Iran and Nuclear Deterrence: What Happens “Where There Is No Common Power”

Abstract: Israel and Iran remain poised for a multi-level war. Such conflict could become nuclear even...

‘New’ antisemitism sure sounds like the old kind

Is it just me, or is the “new” antisemitism starting to sound a lot like...

On Yom Kippur, the Jewish establishment should come clean

Israelis have been calling for an accounting from their leaders for the catastrophic intelligence failure...

Palestinian Authority education: No room for a two-state solution

The current war in the Middle East often leads policymakers to think of a two-state...

J Street Chooses Palestinian State Over the Hostages

Why is J Street making the creation of a Palestinian state a higher priority than...

Death, time and immortality in the Middle East

 potentially catastrophic war between Israel and Iran will have little to do with sovereignty, national security...

Other Languages

Un Mirakolo de Purim por por Dora NİYEGO

Eskrito por un rabino. Deke estava aya en en este momento? Munchas vezes pensi en esto, i kada vez ke fyestamos Purim, este momento me vyene...

La 4e Université d’été de langue et de littérature yiddish à...

Durant trois semaines, l’Institut d’Europe de l’Est accueille des étudiants du monde entier et leur propose des cours de yiddish et des activités culturelles...

פּיפּסערס / Pagers

 עקספּלאָדירט אין די הענט פֿון עטלעכע טויזנט אָנגעשטעלטע פֿון כיזבאַלאַ. אַזאַ קאָאָרדינירטער, געצילטער אַטאַק ניצנדיק טראַנסמיטאָרן און עלעקטראָנישע האַנט־מכשירים האָט מען נאָך קיין מאָל פֿריִער...

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