Eva Lanska’s Award-Winning Film “Little French Fish” Premiered on ShortsTV in Europe on Amazon...
London-based filmmaker Eva Lanska’s award-winning drama short Little French Fish held its European premiere on leading short movie entertainment network ShortsTV on September 19, 2021. The film first premiered on ShortsTV in North America on September 9, 2021 on DirecTV, AT&T...
Film about Israeli lawyer who advocates for terrorists gets double Emmy nod
A controversial Israeli documentary about an Israeli attorney who represents terrorists received a double Emmy nomination on Wednesday.
“Advocate,” from directors Rachel Leah Jones and Philippe Bellaiche, follows Israeli self-described “human-rights lawyer” Lea Tsemel as...
The Holocaust’s Impacts on Survivors’ Children
A Generation Apart, a 1983 Holocaust documentary streaming on paid Amazon Prime, explores the impact of the Holocaust on the families of the survivors.
You may wonder why I have chosen this film for this week’s...
First Anne Frank animated film debuts at Cannes festival
The first animated film based on “The Diary of Anne Frank” debuted at the Cannes Film Festival to positive reviews from film critics, reported Deutsche Welle.
“Where is Anne Frank?” which premiered last week, revolves around...
‘Labyrinth of Lies’ Examines Germany’s Post-War Response to Holocaust
Directors Giulio Ricciarelli’s 2014 documentary film Labyrinth of Lies, streaming on paid Amazon Prime, brings to the screen the story of the prosecution of death camp crimes in a German court.
Labyrinth of Lies can be viewed...
‘1945’ Depicts Reaction of Hungarian Village When Two Silent Jews Arrive
Everyone in a small Hungarian village knows the war is practically over. The 2017 film 1945 is a subdued, but highly accomplished black and white film crafted by writer-director Ferenc Torok and produced by Menamshen Films...
Sobibor: This Time Many Jews Won
Sobibor was an extermination camp built and operated by Nazi Germany. It was located in the forest near the village of Sobibor, Poland. As an extermination camp rather than a concentration camp. Sobibor existed...
Holocaust Memory, Inappropriate Sexual Relations Themes of ‘The Reader’
The Reader is an exemplary piece of filmmaking, superbly acted by Kate Winslet, David Kross, and Ralph Fiennes, beautifully lit by two of Britain’s finest cinematographers (Roger Deakins and Chris Menges) and sensitively directed by...
Israeli-American Actor Danny A. Abeckaser To Star in THE Crime Drama of the Summer...
The much-anticipated summer crime drama LANSKY by writer/director Eytan Rockaway is set to hit theatres and digital streaming channels on June 25. The film’s star-studded cast features Harvey Keitel, Sam Worthington, Danny A. Abeckaser, David James Elliott,...
Emotional Documentary on Life After the Holocaust
After Auschwitz, a 2018 film streaming on paid Amazon Prime, is a follow-up to filmmaker and director Jon Kean’s Swimming in Auschwitz, a 2007 documentary that chronicled the World War II experiences of six female...