64.6 F
San Diego
Friday, April 26, 2024

Listen and enjoy to “Di Megile” with the Bursteyn family in Itzik Manger’s unique...

Programs on Yiddish literature and culture recorded at Montreal's Jewish Public Library, 1953-2005. About this program: di megile fun itsik manger Mit: איציק מאַנגער | דב זלצר | שמואל בונים The Megile of Itzik Manger Featuring: Itzik Manger |...

Millennial Bundism: An Interview with Isabel Frey

INTRODUCTION Isabel Frey is a Vien­na-based activist and musi­cian who recent­ly released a debut album, Mil­len­ni­al Bundist. Faith Hillis recent­ly caught up with Frey on Zoom to ask about mil­len­ni­als’ redis­cov­ery of the Bund, the place of Yid­dish...

“Makhts Of!”, Yiddish Purim Song performed by The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkXWTUFePNE Traditional Yiddish Purim song Choral arrangement: Binyumen Schaechter (2018) Funded by a grant from the Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC דער ייִדישער פֿילהאַרמאָנישער פֿאָלקסכאָר Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor בנימין שעכטער, דיריגענט Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejppc Website: http://www.TheJPPC.org​ Contact: information@TheJPPC.org Filmed...

February 19, 1997: Leo Rosten, author of “Joys Of Yiddish”, dies at age 88

Leo Rosten, the author of The Joys of Yiddish and numerous other popular, witty and erudite books, died on this date in 1997 in New York City at age 88. Rosten earned a doctorate in political...

A new book, about a student from the I.L. Peretz Yiddish School

ס׳איז לעצטנס אַרויס אַ ראָמאַן מיט אַ זעלטענער טעמע — די איבערלעבונגען פֿון אַ תּלמידה אין אַ וועלטלעכער ייִדיש־שפּראַכיקער טאָגשול. סענדי שעפֿרין ראַבין, אַ נעווראָלאָגין, איז אויפֿגעוואַקסן אין וויניפּעג, קאַנאַדע וווּ זי איז געווען אַ...
The Academy of the Hebrew Language building at the Hebrew University Givat Ram campus

The Academy of the Hebrew Language Announces Winner of Architecture Competition

The Academy of the Hebrew Language is excited to announce the selection of Architectural Firm of Meislitz, Kasif, Roitman as the winner in the national competition to design the Academy’s new global Center or Minveh....
Singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder in 2015. Credit: Kobby Dagan/Shutterstock.

At 70, Stevie Wonder earns Israel’s prestigious Wolf Prize

Legendary singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder was awarded Israel’s prestigious Wolf Prize on Tuesday along with a group of laureates in the arts and sciences. The “Superstition” singer received the award for “his tremendous contribution to music...

Watch “The Dybbuk” online for free!

The Dybbuk, expressionistic drama in four acts by S. Ansky, performed in 1920 in Yiddish as Der Dibek and published the following year. Originally titled Tsvishn Tsvey Veltn (“Between Two Worlds”), the play was...

“Morena me llaman”, traditional sephardic song, performed by Emilio Villalba & Sephardica

Morena me llaman Tradicional sefardí, Sephardic Music. Emilio Villalba: viola medieval. Sara Marina: Clavisimbalum. Ángeles Núñez: canto y darbouka. Sevilla – 2018. Arreglos de Emilio Villalba. Sephardica es un proyecto original de Emilio Villalba y Sara Marina www.emiliovillalba.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEqFLZ29mbI Lyrics: Morena me...

Chava Rosenfarb – The Tree of Life – Volume 1 – חװה ראָזענפֿאַרב –...

דוד קאַץ שטעלט פֿאָר, לייענט און פֿאַרטײַטשט, דאָס ערשטע קאַפּיטל פֿון חיים גראַדעס קלאַסישן ראָמאַן װעגן דער מוסר־באַװעגונג, צמח אַטלאַס: די ישיבֿה. פֿאַרשרײַבט זיך איצטער אין קאַנאַל און לאָמיר־זשע לייענען און דיסקוטירן װײַטער דאָס מײַסטערװערק פֿון...